I have had numerous people request me for this information, so as your pastor, I am making you aware of this option and supplying the forms. I AM NOT RECOMMENDING YOU DO THIS. If you choose this option, you are taking full responsibility for doing so. Also, be aware that there will be some specific steps that will need to be taken in the process of getting and using this money that must be adhered to, or the loan may not be forgiven. If you do this, I would recommend setting up a separate checking account for these funds. Pay all applicable bills with only that account. One of the requirements is the ability to prove that you paid the right bills with the money, and didn't spend it on other things. If you mix this money with other funds in different accounts, you may have difficulty proving what it was spent on. if you can't prove that - from my understanding, THE LOAN WILL NOT BE FORGIVEN AND YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY IT BACK. I'm not trying to scare you, just giving you a heads up. This can be a very good option for some of us. Be Blessed, Pastor Vern
May 2020
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