Upcoming Faith & Freedom Meetings
to be announced
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What Role Do Churches Have in Politics?
Several Minnesota Sheriffs spoke out publicly against overreaching gun laws proposed in our State Legislate this past session. We were joined by Isanti County Sheriff Wayne Seiberlich, and Mille Lacs County Chief Aaron Evenson (standing in for Sheriff Kyle Burton), who updated us regarding what gun laws were passed and how they affect us right where we live! The also shared with us what they hope to accomplish in their new office as Sheriff and highlighted important community initiatives such as The Neighborhood Watch Program and The NEW Dare Program.
Recent Faith & Freedom Meetings
August's Meeting
Abortion Survivor: Robin Sertell
Meet Robin Sertell, a motivational speaker, author, and pro-life advocate. Before she was born, Robin was miraculously saved from three saline infusion abortion attempts. Robin has been filmed for documentaries, webinars, and interviews internationally. Robin's life is a true testament to the power of forgiveness, and her message is one of hope and inspiration for people of all ages and backgrounds.
May's Meeting
Power of Prayer: Gene Sipprell
Gene Sipprell began his ministry in West Germany where he witnessed first hand the fall of the Berlin Wall! Gene will be sharing with us what that moment was like and how the moment shaped his life. Gene is now involved in Capitol Ministry. They provide Bible studies to elected officials from City Council Members to Federal Representatives in more than 50 countries. Come see how you too can get involved and hear for yourself how prayer can change a nation!
March's Meeting
Passing the Baton: Dale Witherington & Igor Kondratyuk
Minnesota Representative Walter Hudson joins us again to equip us with the information and tools necessary to actively participate in the next legislative session and the upcoming election! This time he will be joined by MN Representative Ben Davis from the Brainerd area. Ben Davis was a full time pastor until he won his seat in the MN House of Representatives in 2022. Rep. Davis will share his unique perspective as a first time legislator, from a pastor's point of view. These two men will challenge us all to apply the Gospel, beyond the walls of the church building, throughout the entire week - not just on Sunday.